Department of Energy (DOE)Weatherization Assistance Program
Energy and Environmental Building Alliance (EEBA)Education and resources for residential design.
Efficient Windows CollaborativeInformation on window energy features

Home green homeBest practices to make homes greener, healthier, and more energy efficient.
Energy StarAppliances, Heating and Cooling, Lighting, etc.
Environmental Building NewsThe Leading Newsletter on Environmentally Responsible Design and Construction (Your Guide to Green Building). Contains articles, reviews, and news stories on energy-efficient, resource-efficient, and healthy building practices.
Green/Energy Efficient Mortgage
Green Home GuideWebsite with information on green products based in San Francisco
Greenroofs.comInformation on green roof technology
Historic Chicago Bungalow AssociationInformation on adapting and maintaining historic Chicago Bungalows.
HouzzGet inspired and create ideabooks.

Michael Lipman PhotographyChicago architectural photographer, who is responsible for the project images on this site.
National Association of Home Builders Research CenterResearch and development of green building products.
United States Green Building Council (USGBC)Sets standards for sustainable buildings and offers education and resources.
Del Mar Fans and LightingEnergy Efficiency at Home
Semper SolarisSolar Power Guide

Guide to Energy Efficiency for Small Business
Sustainable Housing GuideA general overview or sustainable design considerations.